Welcome to DogGuardian!


In Plantation is a free template from Free CSS Templates released under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. The photos are from PDPhoto.org.

You're free to use it for both commercial or personal use. I only ask that you link back to my site in some way. Enjoy :)

Some ideas for item display

item 1

etsy09.jpg etsy12.jpg Text about item 1.

item 2

Text about item 2.

item 3

etsy11.jpg Text about item 3.

Donec pulvinar ullamcorper metus

In eu odio at lectus pulvinar mollis. Vestibulum sem magna, elementum ut, vestibulum eu. Mauris a dolor:

  1. Phasellus pellentesque, ante nec iaculis dapibus, eros justo auctor lectus, a lobortis nunc.
  2. Praesent pellentesque facilisis elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent.
  3. In hac habitasse platea dictumst nullam id ante eget.